Attention: Old PyARTK module is obsolete for a long time. Now the new ARTKBlender module is available. It works on current version of Blender and provides similar functionality as old one.
Somebody has complained that PyARTK demo doesn’t work properly, if markers drive camera and also other non-camera objects in the same scene. So I looked at this issue and updated PyARTK demo.
Now it allows mixing of camera and non-camera objects, but also allows to set camera, that’s not driven by ARTK marker, to any position and orientation.
I have also added parameters to blender properties for every marker to define size of marker in Blender units and position of marker’s center. So now demo allows to use various sizes of markers and to match them to Blender scene size.
Hello Ashid!
This plugin works under linux ubuntu?
i try compiling your mod
ARToolKit-2.72.1 (with Video4Linux+JPEG Decompression)
numpy-1.3.0b1 (with python 2.5.2)
SWIG 1.3
set the artoolkit lib and includes paths
but under compiling PyARTK-0.1 have an error.
PyARTK/videolib_wrap.c:3019: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘ar2VideoInqSize’ from incompatible pointer type
error: command ‘gcc’ failed with exit status 1
This work under new videoTexture feature?
hi, locadax,
PyARTK videolib is not needed for using with blender. Its functionality is replaced by blendVideTex plug-in or internal VideoTexture module. But plug-in works on Windows and I don’t know how far is VideoTexture development now. Surely you can try it.
Hello Ashid,
In the blenderartist fourm:
Olm-z had started integrating to use videoTexture and pyartk
and i can testing under linux, woud be nice if this feature will be multiplatform.
Ahoj, plánuješ úpravu blendVideTex plug-inu i pro nové verze blenderu 2.49..2.5…?
Ahoj, Jonáš,
ak bude 2.49 obsahovať interný modul VideoTexture, tak zastavím ďalší vývoj plug-inu. Modul VideoTexture prebral všetko podstatné, takže plug-in stratí význam.
Ahoj, nějak nemůžu rozběhat pyARTK demo s interním video blenderartists foru si s tím také nikdo neví to vůbec možné? dík
Ahoj, Jonáši,
stiahnem Blender 2.49 a mrknem sa na to.